Finalmente terminei o conjunto da Bia...Levou mais tempo do que eu previa, mas saiu do jeito que a pequenina queria. O buquezinho de flores no casaco é removível, assim elas podem variar o uso.
Fianlly finished my niece's ensemble. It took me more time than I had planned, but it eneded up exactly as the little one qanted it to be. The bouquet of flores on the jack is removable, so that they can vary the way of wearing the pieces.
Fianlly finished my niece's ensemble. It took me more time than I had planned, but it eneded up exactly as the little one qanted it to be. The bouquet of flores on the jack is removable, so that they can vary the way of wearing the pieces.
olha eu aqui ja puxando o saco...
ResponderExcluirMiga...ficou lindo...ahhh como eu queria ter uma netinha ou sobrinha pequena na familia!!
Aqui só sai menino..hehehhe
Mas ficou muito lindinho mesmo, acredite...
E as cores?? nossa ficou show mesmo..
Ficou lindo!!!!
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